Private Yoga Classes

In the past we have been asked to outline what a private yoga session would include. So we decided to put together a little example of what will be integrated in the session. We now offer private sessions for all age ranges.

  • Asana (physical postures)- helping with joint mobility,muscle flexibility, strength, balance, circulation and digestion.
  • Pranayama (breathing exercises)- to aid respiratory problems, stress.
  • Mantra and Affirmations – to help with worry and negative thought patterns.
  • Mudras (hand postures)- that focus and direct energy
  • Visualisation – to relax and refreash
  • Relaxation and Meditation

Some Yoga Wellbeing class focuses

Alignment Based

Sessions with detailed physical alignment are good for beginners who want to start out with a safe practice or existing yoga students who feel they want to go deeper into their bodies through accuracy and awareness.  Classes will involve a great deal of “hands on” adjustments.

For stress related complaints –Langhana practice

This type of practice is great for anyone suffering insomnia or digestive problems. It’s a cooling calming practice that focuses on relaxing the nervous system and helping to move away from a place of agitation. Postures are more likely to involve twists and forward bends.

In need of energy  – Brahmana Practice

For those who lack energy, feel sluggish and may experience depressed moments, this practice is more vigorous and uplifting. Sessons may focus on standing postures and backbends designed to expand vitality to all parts of the body.

Immune boost – Inversions

Those looking to boost their body’s natural defences could try this upside down class! Inversions bring the feet over the head, or the heart below the hips which stimulates circulation and encourages lymphatic drainage help white blood cells to be more efficient.

If you have anymore questions then please get in touch.

We will be happy to hear your thoughts

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