Side Plank pose – Vasisthasana

The full version of Side Plank pose (Vasisthasana) includes with the
top leg raised perpendicular to the floor, is a intense for even the most energetic yogi/yogini. The pose described here is a modified version suitable
for all levels of students.

side_plank_poseStep by Step

1. Perform down facing dog . Shift onto the outside edge of your left foot, and stack
your right foot on top of the left. Now swing your right hand onto your
right hip, turn your torso to the right as you do, and support the
weight of your body on the outer left foot and left hand.

2. Make sure that the supporting hand isn’t directly below its shoulder;
position the hand slightly in front of its shoulder, so the supporting
arm is angled a bit relative to the floor. Straighten the arm by firming
the triceps muscle, and press the base of the index finger firmly
against the floor.

3. Firm the scapulas and sacrum against the back torso. Strengthen the
thighs, and press through the heels toward the floor. Align your entire
body into one long diagonal line from the heels to the crown.

4. If you’d like you can stretch the top arm toward the ceiling, parallel
to the line of the shoulders. Keep the head in a neutral position, or
turn it to gaze up at the top hand.

5. Stay in this position for 15 to 30 seconds. Come back to Adho Mukha
Svanasana, take a few breaths, and repeat to the right side for the same
length of time. Then return to Adho Mukha Svanasana for a few more
breaths, and finally release into childs pose .

  1. Thanks I have really enjoyed this article

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