Yoga benefits depression and anxiety

Depression and Anxiety are the most common forms of mental health problems encountered today. One in ten people will have to deal with one or the other in any given year. Yoga is a unique technique for dealing with these disorders. Yoga is a practice that has always had a holistic approach that recognises physical states affect mental states, mental states affect bodily states and all actions can affect the body and mind.

happyThe general message is to work not only on the body but in conjunction with the mind to influence our mental state. Or perhaps to begin with we need a healthly body and mind to fully reach a state of well being and wellness. This is where yoga comes in, the word yoga means union and this union between the body and mind helps create mental harmony. Yoga does not offer a cure for depression, however it is powerful tool. Yoga focusing on asana (Postures), pranayama (breathing) and meditation help to develop a stronger state of mind which in itself will help overcome fears leading to anxiety. Depression is often caused by a combination of recent life events and personal factors including chemical changes in the brain.

Yoga can give back control over both of these factors, aiding in stress control and helping to create a balanced, calm state of mind with which to approach life. Feeling more calm and centred will begin to spread through everything other aspect of your life. Many sufferers find themselves withdrawing from society, lethargic, tired, suffering from appetite problems, sleeplessness, frustrated, miserable and unable to concentrate. Yoga provides a set of tools with which an individual can combat these symptoms. Yoga gives back control over both of these factors, aiding in stress control and helping to create a balanced, calm state of mind with which to approach life. Feeling more calm and centred will begin to spread through everything other aspect of your life.

  1. Cheers for this

  2. I am going to speak to my partner about this

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