Inspiration – What’s Your Yoga Intention

What’s your yoga intention? When I began practicing yoga I was always to have Presence of mind.

I think of that expression. No matter where I am, it brings me back to his message: Presence of mind. At first, it was helpful when my muscles shook and balance tottered in Warrior III, but now it helps me when I’m in traffic or standing in line at the newsagents.

I like to think of these ingrained reminders I’ve gathered over the years as a Yoga Intention for my practice, a spiritual twist on those advertising tunes that we can’t get our of our heads. Instead of urging me to buy some floor cleaner, however, my jingle reminds me to stay calm, stay present, and remember that everything is unfolding just as it should.

The Yoga Wellbeing team would love to know what’s your Yoga Intention? How do you use it in your everyday life?

  1. I am going to speak to my partner about this

  2. I am going to speak to my partner about this

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