A positive step forward

Whether we’re standing tall in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) or flexing our toes in Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend), yoga gives us ample opportunity to focus on feet. Unfortunately, it’s often the only time we do. Foot care is not something many of us find time for, and when a yoga instructor directs our attention toward our feet, we’re often unpleasantly surprised.  But here’s the good news: Simple home treatments can both treat and prevent common podiatric problems.

Woman feet

If you’ve ever surveyed the feet that walk through the doors of your local studio, you know that certain problems are common among yogis. Perspiration can be one of them, and it’s no wonder. With 250,000 sweat glands, your feet can produce as much as eight ounces of sweat daily.

A positive step forward

To avoid slipping around on your mat, brew two black tea bags in one pint of boiled water for 15 minutes. Add two quarts of cool water and soak your feet for 20 to 30 minutes. The tannic acid in the brewed tea will change your skin’s pH level and help prevent unwanted odor-causing bacteria.

Geranium oil and tea tree oil both have germ- and bacteria-killing properties, making them excellent treatments. Add these oils to your own creams and powders, or look for products containing them as a key ingredient.

Also, try adding fresh or canned pineapple juice to your footbath. This tropical fruit contains bromelain, a natural enzyme that will help soften calluses and rough heels.

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