Jumping Back on the Yoga Bandwagon: Recommitting To Your Practice

Is your yoga practice floundering? Has your practice gotten stale? Are you finding that you aren’t getting on your mat as often as you used to or as often as you like? If your yoga practice has taken a an extended vacation, you can get things back on track with a fresh start.

September is National Yoga Month, which means that you get one free week of yoga at a local studio. All you need to do is select a participating studio in your area, print out a Yoga Month Card, and then redeem it (although you must be a first-time student). Click here to learn more about the Yoga Month Card and to get yours.

September promises to be a month-long celebration of yoga with studios from all over the country participating in Yoga Month. Throughout the month, millions will come together to celebrate the mind and body benefits of yoga practice. There’s nothing like a nationwide movement to reinvigorate your yoga practice!

Get One Week Free Yoga during National Yoga Month 09.2009 www.yogamonth.org

If you’re someone who is encouraged by having a challenge proposed to you, how about this — a global 30 day yoga challenge. When you register, you’ll be supplied with a daily dose of yoga videos, helpful information about yoga, nutrition, and meditation, and a support forum. Click here for more information and to sign up for the free 30 day yoga challenge. If you want to dive deeper into the challenge and rework your diet and your thinking, you have the option to sign up for a paid level of the challenge, which you can learn more about by clicking here. My practice is going strong, but I still signed up. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the start of fall than with a celebration of Yoga Month with a challenge.

If you’d rather get your yoga glow on online, check out the newly-launched Yogaglo — the new online yoga experience in HD. You can subscribe by the month and get access to classes, workshops, lectures, and meditations. Five percent of Yogaglo’s profits are donated to charity, so you can jumpstart you yoga practice while doing good. Because all of the Yogaglo’s classes are recorded live, you get the feel of being in a live yoga class minus the travel and the crowded studio. Click here to learn more about Yogaglo.

If none of the above appeal, you can also try these ideas for getting back to a regular yoga practice:

  • Create accountability by enlisting the help of a partner — whether you choose to practice yoga with a friend or simply report on your progress to a friend with daily progress reports via phone or email, let someone call you on your goal of practicing yoga every  day for a month (or however long it takes you to integrate a regular practice back into your life).
  • Try a new style of yoga. Sometimes you need to switch up your yoga practice depending on the time of your life, your physical condition, or to satisfy your need for variety. Don’t be afraid to try something new — you just might breathe new life into your yoga practice as a result.
  • Try a new teacher and/or yoga studio. Sometimes it’s easy to get stuck in a rut when you practice with the same teacher or at the same studio. Try mixing it up by sampling another teacher’s style or the vibe at a different studio. You can always go back if you don’t like it.
  • Use an old-fashioned reward system — mark off the days on the calendar you practice yoga. When you hit 30, treat yourself to something wonderful — a massage, a new yoga outfit, a $100 shopping spree at the bookstore, a night out at your favorite restaurant or anything else that you desire.

Put forth the intention to practice yoga regularly and then take the steps necessary to ensure action (could be sleeping in your yoga clothes so you pop out of bed in the morning ready to practice, or creating a space in your home to practice, or purchasing an unlimited yoga pass at your local studio, or buying a library of yoga DVDs or downloads to keep your practice fresh) and you’ll get your yoga practice back on track in no time. September is the perfect time to recommit.

Happy upcoming Yoga Month everyone!


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