The Wisdom of Others

In my last post, I spoke about focus, so this post I’d like to shift the focus to others. Lately, in my personal life I’ve been seeing a lot of folks dealing with some rough stuff (call it bad luck, tragedy, or just plain hard times). I’m caught between that place of feeling awful for what these folks are going through and feeling grateful that my life is so good. It’s an interesting place to be, as it’s a mix of feeling undeserving, extremely lucky mixed in with a wee bit of shame for not being grateful enough for all that I am and all that I have.

So today it’s a mixed bag of wisdom, laughs, and inspiration — along with a healthy dose of coolness — from others along with a dose of gratitude…

  • Be still — Leo Babauta over at the Zen Habits blog recently wrote an excellent post about the one saving grace that’s always available to us — stillness. Read more about it here. When my life starts to feel chaotic, I heed Leo’s advice and slow it down.
  • And speaking of things being chaotic…the inspiring, funny, ducky, awesome yogi and Shivanaut behind The Fluent Self blog, Havi Brooks, recently wrote a blog post that I’m sure we can all relate to. Havi talks about mix-ups, problems, technology snafus, and the emotional roller coaster that comes along with them and how to handle them gracefully and come out unscathed.
  • Feeling green around the gills? There’s a new blog on the block chatting about all things organic. And I love the name. Wait for it…Organic Envy. What’s not to love, right?  
  • Practice dying — For some death can be peaceful while for others it can be devastating. I’m feeling a wee bit bummed about this one — the one and only Linda Sama is going on blog hiatus for an indefinite period of time. Of course she’s going out in style. Take a look at her last post
  • And while we’re on the topic of blogs…my talented, funny, and courageous friend Robin writes a fantastic blog titled Pre-Meditated. Her posts are mix of wit, wisdom, and a delightful sharing of her life. Her last post really spoke to me, and I know it’ll speak to you too. Check it out

And now onto gratitude. I picked up a great book a while ago that offers a variety of prayers and blessings. If you’re looking for a new way to give thanks before a meal — or any other time — check out A Grateful Heart. I leave the book near my desk and flip through it at random times, choosing a prayer to say in the moment. It reminds me to be grateful all the time — not just before meals.

I’d like to thank all of those wonderful folks out there who provide me with inspiration on a daily basis. And I’d like to let the folks out there dealing with suffering that my heart goes out to you. Stay focused on the positive!


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