Tag: health
When I set out on my travelling wander around the world I had to continually remind myself to stay in the present moment. We have noted a couple of ideas below ...
READ MORE +Just about everyone I come into contact with in London, it seems, share a similar sense of time deprivation. Of course, most of us, most of the time, have ...
READ MORE +Detoxification means the removal of toxins from the body. Humans absorb toxins—preservatives, pesticides, stimulants, and heavy metalsthrough food, water, and ...
READ MORE +The tension headache, also called a muscle-contraction headache, is by far the most common form of headache. Unlike the migraine, the tension headache is ...
READ MORE +Eating can also be considered a practice in which you seek balance. Like yoga, eating is a highly personal activity-you learn to adapt your needs to the many ...
READ MORE +Spend some time in silence. Silence is one of the best ways of cultivating self-awareness. When you’re talking, you don’t realize how noisy your mind is. When ...
READ MORE +Eating raw foods can increase the tendency toward getting colds and having congestion. Warm cooked food in the winter makes you feel warm and nurtured.When the ...
READ MORE +Step by Step 1. Bend your knees to a half-squat, thighs parallel to the floor. If your heels don't rest comfortably on the floor, support them on a thickly ...
READ MORE +However many shoes we buy, in the end, we all just want to be happy. Now the ranks of science have stepped in to help make sense of the happiness game. And ...
READ MORE +Last week I asked people on the Yoga Wellbeing team what they thought was their biggest negative emotion. Three out of four people said “fear.” The truth is ...